To be a catalyst for the expansion of the Kingdom of God in the lives of individuals, our community, and around the world.
Hope groups are a key aspect of our church community. Most meet weekly in the home of a group member (Usually the leaders home). We try to keep them limited to about 12 people. If you can’t find an open group, please let us know! See below for the current list of available Groups.
Current Hope Groups:
Friday Night Small Group: “Fletchers” Meets every first and third Fridays at 7:00pm. Group will be going through the discussion of the sermon series for the following weeks. First week: Meet at Fletchers; Third week: Meet at Chens. Email: for more info.
Friday Morning Men’s Group: Meets at the church on Friday mornings at 6:30am. Email: for more info.
Wednesday Night Group: “Joiners” Meets Wednesday, Weekly in Monrovia 7:00pm. Email: for more info.
To be a catalyst for the expansion of the Kingdom of God in the lives of individuals, our community, and around the world.